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Our trip to NUCCC 2000, hosted by infå. Other photos from this event.

Photographer: Mattias Wadenstein (maswan) unless noted otherwise.

  •              095 - Tiggi (Ulf Tigerstedt), our contact person at Infå. Check out the rubber chicken!
    095 - Tiggi (Ulf Tigerstedt), our contact person at Infå. Check out the rubber chicken!

  •              096 - Charging the battery to the walkie-talkie with the power supply from a laptop and cat5 cable. It was still at this very position after we left. Doh!
    096 - Charging the battery to the walkie-talkie with the power supply from a laptop and cat5 cable. It was still at this very position after we left. Doh!

  •              097 - People eating before the last meeting.
    097 - People eating before the last meeting.

  •              098 - Mm.. orange juice..
    098 - Mm.. orange juice..

  •              099 - Fot, Tiggi and Tao.
    099 - Fot, Tiggi and Tao.

  •              100 - The "How to drink soda" algorithm. Darn flash.
    100 - The

  •              101 - Eek! A photographer! Shoot back!
    101 - Eek! A photographer! Shoot back!

  •              102 - Yet another photographer.. Revenge!
    102 - Yet another photographer.. Revenge!

  •              103 - And another photographer..
    103 - And another photographer..

  •              104 - Robert Nydal taking a photograph. Anniéle Jansson pointing at something in the background.
    104 - Robert Nydal taking a photograph. Anniéle Jansson pointing at something in the background.

  •              105 - Haba (Harald Barth) with a camera and Nikke (Niklas Edmundsson) laughing at something. Probably a bad joke.
    105 - Haba (Harald Barth) with a camera and Nikke (Niklas Edmundsson) laughing at something. Probably a bad joke.

  •              106 - Robert trying to manouver the (ick!) W2k machine at the last meeting.
    106 - Robert trying to manouver the (ick!) W2k machine at the last meeting.

  •              107 - Some elected people for something. Poor them.
    107 - Some elected people for something. Poor them.

  •              108 - Emil tried to write stuff on the board. Failed miserably. Robert held up a sock someone threw at him.
    108 - Emil tried to write stuff on the board. Failed miserably. Robert held up a sock someone threw at him.

  •              109 - Androman showing how to eat an egg.
    109 - Androman showing how to eat an egg.

  •              110 - The cars we travelled in.
    110 - The cars we travelled in.

  •              111 - A gas station we stopped at for lunch.
    111 - A gas station we stopped at for lunch.

  •              112 - A statue in Vasa.
    112 - A statue in Vasa.

  •              113 - Nikke, Bigfoot, Mikael and Wanman in a resturant in Vasa.
    113 - Nikke, Bigfoot, Mikael and Wanman in a resturant in Vasa.

  •              114 - Lysmask and Mikael
    114 - Lysmask and Mikael

  •              115 - Stric, Bigfoot + sunglasses and Lysmask
    115 - Stric, Bigfoot + sunglasses and Lysmask

  •              116 - The home of Cartman? :)
    116 - The home of Cartman? :)

  •              117 - ACCers, tired on the boat home.
    117 - ACCers, tired on the boat home.

  •              118 - Androman
    118 - Androman

  •              119 - Mikael
    119 - Mikael

  •              120 - Wanman, Tao and Bigfoot
    120 - Wanman, Tao and Bigfoot

  •              121 - Cars
    121 - Cars

  •              122 - Cars
    122 - Cars

  •              123 - Wanman and Bigfoot
    123 - Wanman and Bigfoot

  •              124 - Wanman and Bigfoot
    124 - Wanman and Bigfoot

  •              125 - Cars
    125 - Cars