20010219 Fotograf: Magnus Jonsson (bigfoot) Pictures from our trip to NUCCC in Oslo, Norway.
Some random other shots and of Grapes desk.
20010218 Fotograf: Magnus Jonsson (bigfoot) Pictures from our trip to NUCCC in Oslo, Norway.
20010217 Fotograf: Magnus Jonsson (bigfoot) Pictures from our trip to NUCCC in Oslo, Norway.
20010216 Fotograf: Magnus Jonsson (bigfoot) Pictures from our trip to NUCCC in Oslo, Norway.
The actual bus trip and the arriving.
20010215 Fotograf: Magnus Jonsson (bigfoot) Pictures from our trip to NUCCC in Oslo, Norway.
Mikael and Emma hosting Fot and Stric the nights before and after NUCCC.
20010214 Fotograf: Magnus Jonsson (bigfoot) Pictures from our trip to NUCCC in Oslo, Norway.
Eating at Berghems pizzeria before taking the plane south.