
Information about ACC

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Association Information.

ACC, Academic Computer Club
Umeå Universitet
901 87 Umeå
Email: acc
Url: https://www.accum.se/
Organization number: 894003-3445
VAT-nr: SE894003344501
BankGiro: 5149-5331

* The board

The members of the board.

* Administrators

The system administrators. The guys that keep our system running and the ones to contact when in trouble.

* Members

Links and addresses to all our members. Who is currently online. Change your information.

* Information

Regulations of the association. Meeting minutes. Our policy for public information, how to become a member of ACC and how to obtain a group-account for university associations.

Our computer-lab.

* Sponsors

These are the people and companies that made this possible, without them we would be nothing today.